people sitting on church pew inside church
Help Needed for Father Rob

Updated 6/7/2024

To Members of the SJA Parish, School & General Public,

I write you bearing sad news. Father Rob's meeting with the bishop did not go well. He has been given two options.

Option 1: Father Rob chooses to voluntarily step down from the role of SJA parish priest. If he chooses this option, he would then be reassigned to a different role within the diocese (either a new parish or an administrative role). The bishop has not decided what this new assignment would be.

Option 2: Father Rob chooses to "fight" the case. This would mean retaining the canon lawyer for a long drawn out legal process. This would cause Father to be forcibly removed from the parish meaning that while the legal process unfolds there would be no financial support from the diocese for Father Rob (no rectory either). He would be on his own without support from the diocese until the litigation was resolved (if ever resolved).

Father Rob has until Wednesday June 12, 2024 to respond to the Bishop. Please keep Father Rob in your prayers as he continues to discern his future.

Please do not contact any of the parish staff regarding the information being shared no matter how close a relationship you may have with a particular staff member. When they find out, it will be especially challenging news to receive and for them to get bombarded from parishioners regarding the matter will make the next few days extremely raw and emotional. Please respect their privacy.

Moving Forward

1. We know we will get a new parish priest. When we do, please treat this person with respect and charity. This new priest has no involvement with what has happened to Father Rob. We need to welcome whoever this new priest is and refrain from any hostile sentiments. Father Brian, the interim priest leading Holy Mass Sunday, should also be treated with love and reverence. He is a good man and a great priest who is serving the SJA flock in our time of need.

2. Thank you all for the positive letters you sent to the Bishop and the principal investigator. At this time, please stop sending letters to the Bishop. Any additional letters, good or bad, to the Bishop will be to Father Rob's detriment. As upsetting as this news may be, please exercise wisdom and prudence by not sending letters.

I know there is still a lot of uncertainty and likely even more unanswered questions. At this time, this is all the information I have on the matter and have tried to be as transparent as possible.

I remain confident that this hardship will strengthen our parish. We will be able to come together and grow from this trial in ways we never even fathomed. The devil always tries to take down strong parishes such as ours, but he will not prevail. Pray for the strength of our parish and our school now more than ever.

"For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by one man's obedience many will be made righteous." -Romans 5:19

"Where sin increased, grace abounded all the more." -Romans 5:20

"Be strong and of good courage" -Joshua 1:9

Please take some time to let this information sink in before moving on and pray for Father to find peace and joy through his current trial. Please also continue to discern how God is calling you to step up and serve our parish moving forward to bring much fruit from even something so challenging as this.

Sign Your Name in Support of Fr. Rob